
No. 6063
須田一政/ Issei Suda:わが東京100/ Waga Tokyo 100

『風姿花伝』に続き1979年に出版された須田一政の『わが東京100』の復刊新装版。神田、浅草、上野など東京の下町を舞台にした100点の写真を収録。下町の普通の生活のなかに異界が見え隠れするような独特の作風は、かつて天井桟敷の専属カメラマンをつとめた須田一政ならではの作品。120p 30x20cm ハードカバー 2013 Japanese

Waga Tokyo 100 (roughly, “100 views of my Tokyo”) is a late 1970s account of Shitamachi Tokyo, an area in the East of the city where life is a bit more down to earth. This is where Japanese photography icon Issei Suda grew up, and therefor a place with a special meaning to him. In this gorgeous 2013 re-issue of the classic photo book, the skills that set Suda apart as a photographer are on obvious display. (pr)

