
No. 7742
荒木経惟/ Nobuyoshi Araki: センチメンタルな旅 1971−2017−/ Sentimental Journey 1971− 2017−

写真家・荒木経惟の膨大な作品群から、妻「陽子」というテーマに焦点をあて、陽子を被写体とする作品、その存在を色濃く感じさせる多様な作品によって構成される、同名写真展の公式展覧会カタログ。荒木自らが「陽子によって写真家になった」と語るように、1960年代の出会いから1990年代のその死に至るまでの妻・陽子との濃密な時間から生み出された作品群は、写真の核心を貫き、見る者の心を揺さぶらずにはおきません。結婚前の貴重な未発表ポジ作品や本展のための新作をはじめ、私家版として発売された幻の写真集『センチメンタルな旅』全108点を収録。もっとも重要な被写体である陽子を通じて、荒木が重要視する被写体との関係性を探り、また彼の写真の神髄である「私写真」について考察する。タイトルの「センチメンタルな旅」は、1971年出版の写真集のタイトルでもあり、また2017年現在からさらに続く写真人生そのものを表している。 荒木にゆかりの豪華執筆陣によるエッセイも必読、すでに500冊以上になる荒木の写真集において、決定版となる一冊。288p B5判ヨコ ハードカバー 2017 Jap/Eng

Nobuyoshi Araki has achieved world-wide acclaim for his photography, which he began creating in the 1960s. He is known for the great variety of themes and techniques he employs in his work, and for his drive to create, which has resulted in his publishing over 500 photobooks to date―a drive that continues unabated today. This exhibition catalogue focuses on one theme from his vast oeuvre, his wife Yoko. As Araki himself has said, “It’s thanks to Yoko that I became a photographer.” From their meeting in 1968 until her death in 1990, Yoko was his most important subject. She has continued to be a major influence on his photography even after her death. In this catalogue, we explore his relationship with the subject he treasured so much and reflect on the “I-Photograph” that is the essence of Araki’s work through his photographs of Yoko and his many works that give a strong sense of her presence. The exhibition title, “Sentimental Journey 1971– 2017–,” refers to Araki Nobuyoshi’s “I-Photographs,” beginning with his self publication of Sentimental Journey as a photobook in 1971, and to his life-long journey as a photographer. (publisher's description)

