
No. 6064
須田一政/ Issei Suda:東京景/ Tokyokei

6x6フォーマット日本の風景を撮り続けてきた須田一政による1970年から1980年代東京の街や人のスナップ。昭和の一時代を切りとった作品は、写真家自身の記憶にとどまる「故郷」としての街の風景でもある。美しい印刷で作品を再現。500部限定、サイン・エディションナンバー入り。116p 34x52cm 106photo ハードカバー、クロス装、スリップケース入り *サインはジャケットをはずした状態でご確認頂けます。


"Tokyo is where I was born and raised. Even after the post-war convulsions and the subsequent period of rapid economic growth, this home town of mine never ceases to transform. “Tokyokei” is a series of snapshots of the streets and the people of Tokyo in the 1970s and 1980s. When I review these photographs, I see that my eyes unconsciously captured aspects of Tokyo that were later to fade from the city. I also realise that the city is made up of a multitude of diverse people, people who live here their whole lives, people that move here dreaming of success, people who make it, people who do not. The Tokyo of my youth has vanished, but still there are times when I feel joyously nostalgic, sensing the happiness at festivals in the shitamachi (“low city”) area, or observing the unconscious actions of passers-by. My image of my home town is actually the sight of the daily lives of the people who live here. As well as being a record of a certain period in Japanese history, this book is also my own private perspective on my home town, and one that I want to hold in my heart for ever." Issei Suda

“Tokyokei” presents 106 previously unpublished photographs of the streets and people of Tokyo in the 1970s and 1980s. Published by Zen Foto Gallery in association with Nazraeli Press. Each copy of the book is numbered and signed by the artist.(pr)

